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Population projections, 2017 (base) to 2032 for all states and territories at Statistical Area Level 2 (SA2) by sex and age

September 2019
Department of Health and Aged Care

These population projections were prepared by the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) as consultant to the Australian Government Department of Health. The projections are not official ABS data and the assumptions have been set by the Department of Health.

The base Estimated Resident Population (ERP) used is the 30 June 2017 ERP as published in Australian Demographic Statistics, December 2017 (ABS cat. no. 3101.0) and released on 20 June 2017. ERP age/sex cells have been confidentialised through perturbation, though this does not affect SA2 totals. SA2s with total ERP under 1,000 have generally been held constant as reliable projections are not possible for the very small age/sex cells involved.

Later years (2018 – 2032) are projected using a combination of assumptions from Population Projections, Australia, 2017 (base) to 2066 (ABS cat. no. 3222.0) and historical patterns observed in each state/territory.

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The following Conditions of Use apply in respect of the use of the Population Projections for SA2s. By accessing the Population Projections for SA2s (the Material), you acknowledge, understand and accept these Conditions of Use: 

1. The Commonwealth of Australia (Commonwealth) retains at all times ownership of the intellectual property (including copyright) in the Material as well as the associated Explanatory Notes described in paragraph 4, and included later.

2. The Material was prepared by the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) for the purpose of the Commonwealth (through the Department of Health) and other governments to plan and evaluate aged care. The projections reflect the assumptions made about future fertility, mortality and migration trends. While the assumptions are formulated on the basis of an objective assessment of demographic trends over the past decade and their likely future dynamics, there can be no certainty that they will be realised.

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