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Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people using aged care

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander (First Nations) people may have different aged care needs than non-Indigenous Australians. First Nations people can access both mainstream aged care services and services which are tailored to the specific needs of First Nations people. The National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Flexible Aged Care (NATSIFAC) Program provides culturally appropriate care for First Nations people in certain locations, mostly in rural and remote areas, that are close to their communities.

The following dashboard presents key figures on the First Nations population in Australia that are eligible for aged care services, the number and types of services available that offer that care, and the characteristics of the people using it. It is important to acknowledge that it can be difficult to obtain exact numbers of First Nations people needing or using aged care and missing data may impact proportions presented in this dashboard. This may occur because Indigenous status may not be collected (e.g., it may not be appropriate to ask), an individual may not feel comfortable sharing this information, or assumptions may be made without a direct question being asked. Note that aged care services are available to eligible First Nations people from age 50, and to non-Indigenous people from age 65.

To access a data download for this dashboard, see GEN data: Dashboard supplementary tables.

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